Introduction to my blog

Hey guys !

Welcome on my new blog. To tell you the truth, I'm not quite good with that software but I will do my best to learn fast and update it often.


lundi 4 février 2008

Comments on "Software Industry vs. Software Society: Who Wins in 2020"

The emergence of Free and Open Source Software appears to me as something quite normal. Why would people pay for something they can have without paying ?

This reminds me of another common debate which concerns downloading music. On one side, the companies were fighting for their right to be paid for their work and on the other side, the general public was defending themselves by saying that they don't want to spend money on a music album just for a tune they like.

I think that FOSS are a response to the companies which charge a lot of money to the general public for their right to use a specific software.


1 commentaire:

Pierre-Luc Marchand a dit…

The comparison is good François, it's good food for thought!